The Organizer MAn’s BLOG

COOKING OILS 101-SMOKE POINTS-One of the primary considerations when choosing a cooking oil is its smoke point, which is basically the oil's version of throwing a kitchen tantrum. Imagine the oil saying, "I'm done!" and emitting smoke when it's had enough. Heating an oil beyond its smoke point can lead to the formation of harmful compounds and a burnt taste in your food, turning your culinary masterpiece into a kitchen disaster faster than you can say, "Call for takeout!"
So, remember, oils with higher smoke points are the kitchen daredevils, ready to take on the fiery flames of high-heat cooking methods like frying and stir-frying. Meanwhile, those with lower smoke points are more like delicate souls, best reserved for gentle cooking or as finishing oils, lest they throw a smoke-filled fit and ruin your meal faster than you can say, "Oops, I did it again!"